Next Level Games watched Mr. Bean to prepare for Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon (and other dev details)
Posted by GoNintendo Mar 16 2013 15:58 GMT in Nintendo Stuff
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The following info comes from a Polygon interview with Next Level Games and Nintendo...

"When you're sequelling or bringing back a franchise, you need to respect the original developers and the fans of the product, but you can also figure out what's different from then to now, and one of the big differences is the hardware has changed." - Next Level Games Bryce Holliday

On nostalgia...

"When we think of the nostalgic element of the GameCube version of Luigi's Mansion, it's the atmosphere. It's the balance between the slight horror and slight humor that people feel nostalgic about. So we knew if we were able to create that same feeling, the fans wouldn't feel that we betrayed them." - Ryuichi Nakada

On Mr. Bean as an inspiration...

"Watching Luigi is kind of like watching a Mr. Bean episode. You know he's going to get into trouble, but you're kind of surprised about where it's going to come from. We did watch a lot of Mr. Bean in the beginning to get reference for the character animations, so he's kind of like that hapless fool and reluctant hero. He's trying to live his life, but you know what the joke is before he does." - Next Level Games Bryce Holliday

On nailing the Luigi's Mansion feel...

"We're hoping that when people play the sequel, they'll say, 'Wow, this is a Luigi's Mansion game.' If we can get people to say that, then we'll have done our job." - Next Level Games Bryce Holliday

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