Big Hands I Know You’re The One: TESO’s 1st Person Cam
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Mar 19 2013 15:00 GMT in The Elder Scrolls Online
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We’ve got acres of Elder Scrolls Online due to hit you in the face (n.b. this is an analogy for ‘reading words on a screen’ – RPS solemnly pledges not to hit any of its readers in the face) later today and tomorrow, as Nathan’s just got back from playing it, but lest it be drowned out by wordsplosion, it’s worth stating THE BIG LOUD NOISY HEADLINE on its own too. Which is that Bethesda have reinstated an Elder Scrolls-traditional first-person mode into their MMO. The internet got pretty internetty when the game was initially revealed to be lacking this TES mainstay, but now it’s back in there, visible hands and all.(more…)

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