Final Fantasy V coming to iOS in Japan this month
Posted by Joystiq Mar 20 2013 17:30 GMT in Square Enix
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Oh my stars and comets, Final Fantasy V is on its way to iOS and Android devices in Japan! Well, it's not news that should surprise given the previous four main FFs' appearance on smartphones, and especially given this blatant tease late last year, but hey.

As Famitsu reports, a remake based the GameBoy Advance version of the 1992 JRPG, with redesigned sprites, comes to iOS by the end of this month, with an Android release around the summertime. It's priced ¥1,800, which is around $19. There's no word yet regards outside of Japan, but previous entries have had same-day worldwide releases. It's not unlikely we'll see FFV hit the App Store by the end of the month.

When approached about a western release, a Square Enix representative told Joystiq, "We don't comment on rumor or speculation."

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