Level-5 details Guild01 sale prices
Posted by GoNintendo Apr 15 2013 17:28 GMT in Level
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SANTA MONICA, CA (April 15, 2013) – Renowned Japanese video game company LEVEL-5, best known for the critically acclaimed Professor Layton series and Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch, has announced that three recently released titles for Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS™ will be on sale from April 18 through May 30. Those titles include SUDA51’s dramatic sci-fi shooter LIBERATION MAIDEN™, Yoot Saito’s quirky airport simulation AERO PORTER™, and Yasumi Matsuno’s visionary RPG CRIMSON SHROUD™.

The three titles were part of the GUILD01 collection in Japan, a series of games directed by some of Japan’s most celebrated game designers who were given the freedom to express new ideas as part of LEVEL-5’s strategy to bring these creative masterworks to the world.

From April 18 through May 30, LIBERATION MAIDEN will be marked down from $7.99 to $4.99 USD; AERO PORTER will move from $4.99 to $2.99 USD; and CRIMSON SHROUD will be on sale for $4.99 from the original $7.99 USD. For more information about each of these titles, please visit http://level5ia.com/blackbox/. All three titles will also be on sale in Europe.

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