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Posted by GoNintendo Mar 28 2014 18:56 GMT
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Don’t worry, North American friends; Nintendo of America has announced that the game will be released in 2014!

— LEVEL5_IA (@LEVEL5_IA) March 28, 2014

Thanks to Behonkiss for the heads up!

Posted by GoNintendo Mar 16 2014 17:53 GMT
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The following comes from Level-5 CEO Akihiro Hino...

"We wanted to offer two intelligent characters who could bounce ideas off each other. When I saw the illustrations I temporarily named them Professor Layton and Luke. The names seemed to fit perfectly and before I knew it they'd stuck. The characters stayed just as I had conceived them at the beginning."

On puzzle design

"To this day we design the puzzles via a process we call 'Puzzle Camp'. The puzzle team, headed by Professor Tago, and the game development team spend several days' together away designing puzzles. We are all extremely passionate about the puzzles and often our discussions become pretty heated. Math-based puzzles are especially tricky as it is easy to see them as something right out of say a calculus class. We use descriptive text and illustrations to make these puzzles look and feel interesting - even at a glance, they rely heavily on a flash of inspiration."

On continuing the Layton series

"I don't plan on letting Layton end here. While Hershel Layton's personal story is now finished, we intend to continue on with the challenge of adding more unique Professor Layton titles to the overall series."


Posted by IGN Mar 10 2014 21:48 GMT
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IGN's guide to getting 100% of the collectibles in level 05 of The Lego Movie Videogame, Escape From Flatbush For more guides, tips, and tricks, check out the full wiki on IGN @ http://www.ign.com/wikis/the-lego-movie-video-game

Posted by GoNintendo Feb 13 2014 23:05 GMT
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To celebrate the release of INAZUMA ELEVEN and WEAPON SHOP de OMASSE in North America and Europe, all previously released GUILD Series Nintendo 3DS titles in Nintendo eShop will be available at a promotional price of $2.99/€2.99/£2.69 for a limited time between February 13, 2014 to February 23, 2014.

Campaign Period: From February 13, 2014 to February 23, 2014
Region: All North America and European regions where GUILD titles are currently available
Price: $2.99/€2.99/£2.69 per title

The GUILD Series features masterworks by a variety of respected game creators with unique and innovative artistic visions.

PR email

Posted by GoNintendo Jan 22 2014 20:07 GMT
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Looks like Level-5's ghost-capturing RPG might get a chance to succeed in the states. Level-5 has recently grabbed a U.S. trademark for Yo-kai Watch. Looks like the name is getting a slight change, but there's no doubt that it's the same game.

Posted by GoNintendo Jan 07 2014 03:01 GMT
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Coming from a 4Gamer interview with Level-5's Atsushi Sugano...

“In 2013, we released Fantasy Life Link!, which corresponded to our ‘connecting’ network theme. That was our answer to those from our development staff and players who voiced ‘I want to play more,’ and I’m grateful we were able to meet those expectations. Again, while I can’t say more, there’s one more approach through which we’re currently challenging ourselves. I believe that ‘even if we go against predictions, expectations must be met’ when it comes to creativity. We’re all currently working at our best to prepare something, so please wait just a little longer.

In the midst of a rather sluggish consumer game industry at the moment, I believe that the industry needs a ‘new game’. We’ll try our best to make a new title that’ll surprise all of you, so please look forward to that.”


Posted by GoNintendo Dec 24 2013 17:52 GMT
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Could Inazuma Eleven finally see some releases stateside? Level-5 has grabbed a trademark for the series in the states. This is actually the second trademark Level-5 has secured for the series in the U.S.. The original one has expired, and while the first trademark included retail games, this new trademark also mentions digital titles.

Posted by GoNintendo Dec 18 2013 20:21 GMT
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NoE announced in today's Nintendo Direct that Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney will be released in Europe 3/28/2014! Hooray!

— LEVEL5_IA (@LEVEL5_IA) December 18, 2013

No set date for North America just yet, but Nintendo of America has announced it for 2014!

— LEVEL5_IA (@LEVEL5_IA) December 18, 2013

Posted by GoNintendo Dec 07 2013 03:19 GMT
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The following comes from a Famitsu interview with Level-5 CEO, Akihiro Hino...

“If I had to split it in two, then it’d be cross-media expansions for children for Nintendo 3DS, such as Youkai Watch and Inazuma Eleven, and then games for a wider audience such as Fantasy Life and Wonder Flick. Each target audience requires a different strategy in terms of hardware approach, so I’d like to think about more plans for that.

Youkai Watch is actually still selling quite well. In the case of Inazuma Eleven, the first game’s opening week saw about 40,000 copies sold, and it ended up selling about 400,000 in the end, and I see Youkai Watch going with a similar flow, so I believe we were able to create another successful title. I believe that we’ll be able to surpass that next time, so I’d like to continue focusing on titles made for children.

Whenever I’m thinking of plans, I always make the assumption of ‘this will be a big hit,’ so when it ends up actually being a hit, I often have trouble answering such questions. Everyone always says ‘monster, monster’ so I thought it’d be nice to maybe call them ‘Youkai’ [Japanese folklore monsters] for a change, instead. It’s actually quite simple, like that.

Honestly, there’s a lot I’d like to work on, but at the moment I’m really interested in comedy. I’d really like to make a game that could make people laugh, I even put a lot of thought into this while thinking of stories for Youkai Watch. One of my ideas involves something different than what’s considered universally humorous. I’m thinking that there could be some kind of funny hint in there."


Posted by GoNintendo Nov 21 2013 07:12 GMT
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The following comes from a Famitsu interview with Level-5 CEO Akihiro Hino...

"I never stick to the project document when we're making games, which usually attracts a lot of ire from people around me. But I think you need to put in the elements that gamers think are fun, regardless of whether that showed up in the spec sheet. That won't necessarily be what you think it is at first, after all; you'll realize later on that 'oh, it'd be a lot more fun if it were like this'. If you don't work that way, I don't think you can create great entertainment. I hate working strictly by the spec sheet.

The way I think about games doesn't change with smartphone development, but the theory behind how games are made is completely different. With console games... For example, if you're making some kind of epic RPG, then it could take three minutes just to travel from town to the next dungeon. If you made a smartphone game that played by console rules, it simply wouldn't work, because you need to give smartphone gamers a complete and meaningful experience in those three minutes. That's why we're trying to have Wonder Flick, which we're working on now, be a game that reflects the environment you play it in.

When I listened to the pitches for how hardware manufacturers conceptualized the current console generation, I thought that consoles needed to find a way to exist alongside smartphones to survive. We're not in an age where it's just 'I like games, so I have a console' or 'I like playing outside, so I have a portable'. You're playing console games, and you're also playing smartphone games in a whole different environment. When you think about it that way, the question becomes: If you really enjoy a smartphone game, get lost in the world and feel real emotions from it, then why throw that all away once you're back in your living room? That's what we're attempting with Wonder Flick; we're trying to provide a different but enjoyable play experience on consoles and smartphones.

This isn't something we're making ourselves yet, but I think the ultimate point that games have yet to reach is virtual reality. The ultimate game, I think, lets you really enjoy things in a virtual world that you couldn't in real life. And if you look at the sort of titles getting announced now, wouldn't you say we're at the point where you can simulate the real world pretty well in a virtual reality? I think we're at the point where we'll see games that give you the same experiences in real life, like somebody in the monitor you can chat with, and I'd like to make a game like that. Games are fun, after all, because they let you do things that are impossible in real life. Maybe this won't happen until we're a few more years into the next hardware cycle, but four or five years down the line, I think we might see games like that."


Posted by GoNintendo Aug 26 2013 18:22 GMT
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Guild series – 400,000 downloads sold worldwide
Professor Layton series – 15,000,000 copies sold worldwide
Inazuma Eleven series – 6,500,000 copies sold worldwide

Posted by IGN Jul 23 2013 20:30 GMT
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Two villains have been added to the roster of the highly-anticipated Arkham prequel.

Posted by GoNintendo Jul 13 2013 18:39 GMT
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The following info come from Level-5 CEO, Akihiro Hino

- has a desire to make a new Professor Layton title
- he's pleased with the sixth game
- doesn't want the series to conclude
- would like to include new challenges

Posted by GoNintendo Jul 06 2013 04:16 GMT
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Things have been pretty quiet concerning Professor Layton Vs. Ace Attorney. Neither Capcom or Level-5 has been chatting about the game. Perhaps that's why someone at the Japan Expo asked Level-5 CEO Akihiro Hino about the game's status outside of Japan. This answer was given when discussing France in particular, but it should pertain to all of Europe.

Something's in the works, but I can't talk about it today. Please be patient.


Posted by GoNintendo Jun 20 2013 16:56 GMT
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London, United Kingdom – June 20, 2013 – Renowned Japanese game company LEVEL-5, best known for the critically acclaimed Professor Layton , INAZUMA ELEVEN and NI NO KUNI, has released Keiji Inafune’s action shooter, BUGS vs. TANKS! ™, in Europe via the Nintendo eShop on the Nintendo 3DS™ hand-held system. Created by video game legend Keiji Inafune, best known for his work on some of the industry’s most respected game series -- such as Mega Man, Onimusha and Dead Rising -- BUGS vs. TANKS! casts players as a shrunken World War II tank in a battle for survival against swarms of hostile insects. BUGS vs. TANKS! was previously released only in Japan as part of the GUILD02 collection, featuring masterworks by some of the industry’s most respected game creators.

“Keiji Inafune has gained immense global fame as a result of building a reputation as not only a great game innovator but also a master of delivering compelling, unique and exciting entertainment experiences,” said Akihiro Hino, President and CEO of LEVEL-5. “BUGS vs. TANKS! continues this legacy with an extraordinary premise, tense gameplay, fun player customization, and other features that will keep players squashing bugs for hours on end.”

“Akihiro Hino and I share the desire to deliver spectacular surprises to gamers. I have always wanted to work with him as I respect him as a creator, and I feel that we positively influence one another,” said Keiji Inafune, CEO / Concepter of comcept. “This desire came to fruition with my involvement in the GUILD02 project in the form of BUGS vs. TANKS!, and I’m glad to have been able to develop a game that Hino-san ended up being very satisfied with. We’re very pleased that the title has been well-received by fans in Japan, but that being said, the game was created with players around the world in mind. I feel that the game is exceptional and enjoyable, and I hope everyone will feel the same.”

BUGS vs. TANKS! is an action shooter set during World War II. In the game, players are thrust into the role of a WWII panzer squad, which has, unexpectedly, been shrunk to the size of a bug. In order to survive, players must master their tanks and engage in heated battles against ants, bees, moths, and more, all while clinging to the hope of finding a way to be returned to normal size.

BUGS vs. TANKS! features authentic WWII tanks pulled straight from the history books which players can customize by changing the body, turret, and paint, obliterating swarms of bugs in their own style. BUGS vs. TANKS! also offers co-operative multiplayer missions against some of the game’s baddest bugs, with up to four friends joining the fray and the ability to call for friendly cover fire via StreetPass™.

As an added bonus in BUGS vs. TANKS!, players who previously downloaded LEVEL-5’s LIBERATION MAIDEN™, AERO PORTER™, or CRIMSON SHROUD ™ via the Nintendo eShop and have save data from any of three titles on their Nintendo 3DS™ will receive an exclusive gold tank.

BUGS vs. TANKS! is now available in Europe in the Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS™ for ₤7.19. More information on BUGS vs. TANKS! can be found online at http://level5ia.com/blackbox/bugs-vs-tanks/.


Posted by GoNintendo Jun 14 2013 23:52 GMT
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This is most likely a tease for the Layton Bros. iOS game, but just incase it isn't, I figured I would toss it up. Level-5 is teasing something for the states and it sure seems Layton related.

Site here

Posted by GoNintendo May 16 2013 15:37 GMT
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Check out more screens in our Flickr set
London, United Kingdom - May 16 , 2013: Renowned Japanese game company LEVEL-5, best known for the critically acclaimed Profes - sor Layton , INAZUMA ELEVEN and NI NO KUNI, has released the suspenseful sci-fi adventure game, THE STARSHIP DAMREY, in Europe in the Nintendo eShop on the Nintendo 3DS™ hand-held system. THE STARSHIP DAMREY was previously released only in Japan as part of the GUILD02 collection, featuring masterworks by some of the industry’s most respected game creators.

“The works of Kazuya Asano and Takemaru Abiko as a duo have helped shaped an entire genre in Japan, and their pioneering of new genres and play styles are the kind of innovations LEVEL-5 are proud to support and foster in the GUILD series of games,” said Akihiro Hino, President and CEO of LEVEL-5.

THE STARSHIP DAMREY offers a new twist on sci-fi suspense from a dynamic team of Japanese game developers renowned for text-based adventures and known for pioneering the “Sound Novel” genre of games that are wildly popular in Japan. Designer Kazuya Asano ( Kamaitachi no Yoru (The Night of the Sickle Weasel), TORNEKO: The Last Hope) and writer Takemaru Abiko (Kamaitachi no Yoru (The Night of the Sickle Weasel) , TRICK X LOGIC) have joined forces once again to pioneer new challenges in a disquieting adventure set in the darkness of space.

“Before the project was given a formal name, we called it ‘ALONE.’ Who am I? Where am I? How much time has passed? What am I doing?” said Kazuya Asano, creator of THE STARSHIP DAMREY. “We created the game with a focus on synchronizing the player with the protagonist in a situation where neither one of them knows the answers to these basic questions. I hope you enjoy this state of the unknown.”

In THE STARSHIP DAMREY, players awaken to discover that they are trapped in a Cold Sleep capsule aboard the titular Starship Damrey, with no memory of who they are or how they got there. The game offers no tutorials, explanations, or hints and pushes the player to use self-discovery and experimentation to find their own way through the experience. An inconceivable truth awaits players willing to discover it.

“I’ve worked on many novel-style games that have been difficult to localize, but the world and the style of THE STARSHIP DAMREY is something both Japanese and Western players can appreciate,” said Takemaru Abiko, writer of THE STARSHIP DAMREY. “The game’s text gives players just enough to feel their way through the cryptic nature of this title, and I believe that anyone in any country should be able to enjoy this experience.”

As an added bonus in THE STARSHIP DAMREY, players who previously downloaded LEVEL-5’s LIBERATION MAIDEN™, AERO PORTER™, or CRIMSON SHROUD ™ via the Nintendo eShop and have save data from any of the three titles on their Nintendo 3DS™ will receive exclusive “linked content” that includes a special scenario providing deeper insight into the events that unfold aboard the ship. This scenario can only be unlocked at the end of the player’s journey.

THE STARSHIP DAMREY is now available in Europe in the Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS™ for ₤7.19. More information on THE STARSHIP DAMREY can be found online at http://level5ia.com/blackbox/ the-starship-damrey/.


Posted by GoNintendo May 03 2013 15:46 GMT
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Level-5 trademarks

- Wonderflick
- Retro Drop Adventurer Note
- Earth Devastating B-rank Girlfriend

Looks like these could be related to Guild03. As usual, we'll have to wait some time for Level-5 to make an official announcement.

Posted by GoNintendo Apr 17 2013 15:38 GMT
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Check out more screens and art in our Flickr set
London, United Kingdom - April 17 , 2013 – Renowned Japanese video game company LEVEL-5, best known for the critically acclaimed Profes - sor Layton , INAZUMA ELEVEN and NI NO KUNI, will bring three new games to North America and Europe this spring via the Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS™. The three titles – THE STARSHIP DAMREY ™, BUGS vs. TANKS!™, and ATTACK OF THE FRIDAY MONSTERS! A TOKYO TALE™ – were previously released in Japan as part of the GUILD02 collection, and continue LEVEL-5’s commitment to empowering the greatest game creators with the artistic freedom to design ground-breaking titles unavailable for release elsewhere.

Each title will be available for individual download via the Nintendo eShop. Additionally, in appreciation of the gamers who have supported the innovation and creativity in game design that the series offers, LEVEL-5 is including exclusive bonus “linked” content in each of the new releases for players who have save data from LIBERATION MAIDEN ™, AERO PORTER ™ or CRIMSON SHROUD ™ on their Nintendo 3DS system.

To celebrate the release of the new entries in the series in North America and Europe, all three of the above titles will be on sale from April 18 through May 30. LIBERATION MAIDEN and CRIMSON SHROUD will be marked down from €7.99/₤7.19 to €4.99/₤4.49, and AERO PORTER will move from €4.99/₤4.49 to €2.99/₤2.69.

“After the success of bringing LIBERATION MAIDEN, AERO PORTER, and CRIMSON SHROUD to North America and Europe last year, we are excited to bring the latest games in the series to the rest of the world with the participation of three new creators,” said Akihiro Hino, President and CEO of LEVEL-5. “This series was created to allow top creators to rise to the challenge of bringing innovative and experimental ideas to life as new gaming experiences. Delivering these avant-garde creations via digital distribution is also an incredible opportunity for us.”

Additional details about North American and European release dates and pricing for each of the titles will be released soon.

THE STARSHIP DAMREY is an adventure/horror/suspense game designed by Kazuya Asano ( Kamaitachi no Yoru (The Night of the Sickle Weasel), TORNEKO: The Last Hope ) and written by Takemaru Abiko (Kamaitachi no Yoru (The Night of the Sickle Weasel) , TRICK X LOGIC), known as pioneers of text-based adventure games in Japan. In the game, players awaken to discover that they are trapped in a Cold Sleep capsule aboard the titular Starship Damrey, with no memory of who they are or how they got there. With no tutorials, explanations, or hints provided, the game was created with the intent that self-discovery and experimentation be an integral part of the experience. An inconceivable truth awaits those willing to discover it.

Bonus linked content for players who have downloaded any of the previously released titles includes a special scenario providing deeper insight into the events that unfold aboard the ship that will be unlocked at the end of the player’s journey.

Comcept’s Keiji Inafune, whose work on MEGA MAN, Onimusha, and D EAD RISING have brought him international fame and acclaim, introduces BUGS vs. TANKS!, an action shooter set in World War II. Players will take on the role of a WWII panzer squad that has been shrunk to the size of a bug and find themselves engaged in heated battles against swarms of giant insects as they cling to the hope of returning to normal size.

Featuring tanks pulled straight from the history books, players can customize the body, turret, and paint to obliterate the bugs in their own style. In addition, BUGS vs. TANKS! offers co-op missions with up to four friends and the ability to call for friendly cover fire via StreetPass™.

Bonus linked content for players who have downloaded any of the previously released titles includes an exclusive Gold Tank.

Millennium Kitchen’s Kaz Ayabe is known for mesmerizing many Japanese fans with his heartwarming stories in the Boku no Natsuyasumi (Summer Holidays 20th Century) series . In ATTACK OF THE FRIDAY MONSTERS! A TOKYO TALE, he introduces for the first time, a Tokyo-life simulation game where players will take the role of a young boy named Sohta who lives where the giant monsters from the TV shows of Japan's 1970s come to life every Friday. In this rustic town of tranquil days and idyllic scenery, there lies a nostalgic tale sure to warm your heart. ATTACK OF THE FRIDAY MONSTERS! A TOKYO TALE will be the first of Kaz Ayabe’s games to be released outside of Japan.

Bonus linked content for players who have downloaded any of the previously released titles includes a Space Defense Department Junior Member Notebook containing concept art and illustrations from the game.

PR email

Posted by GoNintendo Apr 15 2013 18:28 GMT
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The black box is back...! Do you know what it means? level5ia.com/blackb0x/

— LEVEL5_IA (@LEVEL5_IA) April 15, 2013

I think we all know what it means, Level-5. This week's Nintendo Direct is going to officially unveil Guild02 titles for North America. That's my guess, anyway!

Posted by GoNintendo Apr 15 2013 17:28 GMT
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SANTA MONICA, CA (April 15, 2013) – Renowned Japanese video game company LEVEL-5, best known for the critically acclaimed Professor Layton series and Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch, has announced that three recently released titles for Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS™ will be on sale from April 18 through May 30. Those titles include SUDA51’s dramatic sci-fi shooter LIBERATION MAIDEN™, Yoot Saito’s quirky airport simulation AERO PORTER™, and Yasumi Matsuno’s visionary RPG CRIMSON SHROUD™.

The three titles were part of the GUILD01 collection in Japan, a series of games directed by some of Japan’s most celebrated game designers who were given the freedom to express new ideas as part of LEVEL-5’s strategy to bring these creative masterworks to the world.

From April 18 through May 30, LIBERATION MAIDEN will be marked down from $7.99 to $4.99 USD; AERO PORTER will move from $4.99 to $2.99 USD; and CRIMSON SHROUD will be on sale for $4.99 from the original $7.99 USD. For more information about each of these titles, please visit http://level5ia.com/blackbox/. All three titles will also be on sale in Europe.

PR email

Posted by GoNintendo Apr 02 2013 23:13 GMT
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Oh yes, this game is definitely coming stateside. Even with Level-5 being quiet about it, they've now snatched up a North American trademark for Fantasy Life alongside their European one. Let's hope we get the official confirmation soon!

Posted by GoNintendo Dec 19 2012 20:00 GMT
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I know the DS version of this game isn't coming out in the states, but we can still enjoy learning about the process of how this game was made.

Posted by GoNintendo Dec 13 2012 18:05 GMT
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SANTA MONICA, CA (DEC. 13, 2012) – Renowned Japanese video game company LEVEL-5, best known for their critically acclaimed Professor Layton video game series, have released CRIMSON SHROUD, a bold reimagining of classic table top RPGs, in both North America and Europe. The game is now available via the Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS™ for $7.99 USD and €7.99 / ₤7.19 respectively (please check the Nintendo eShop for pricing in other available countries).

CRIMSON SHROUD was created by celebrated game designer, Yasumi Matsuno, whose catalog of works include industry cornerstones such as Final Fantasy Tactics, Vagrant Story, and Tactics Ogre. CRIMSON SHROUD was previously released only in Japan as part of GUILD01, a multi-game pack for 3DS featuring titles from some of Japan’s most renowned game designers. Two additional titles from GUILD01 – LIBERATION MAIDEN and AERO PORTER – recently debuted in North America and Europe, and are currently available via the Nintendo eShop for Nintendo 3DS.

“When it comes to creating intricate, compelling and fun role-playing experiences, it’s hard to find anyone more respected than Yasumi Matsuno,” said Akihiro Hino, President and CEO of LEVEL-5. “CRIMSON SHROUD serves to continue this amazing legacy of genre-defining games. Fans of some of Matsuno’s most beloved titles will feel instantly at home with CRIMSON SHROUD’s new take on dice-based game play and unique high fantasy storyline.”

PR email

Posted by GoNintendo Dec 12 2012 20:20 GMT
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Inazuma Eleven does not violate Sega's patents. As a result of examining these discrepancies, we've concluded that there is no patent violation. While Inazuma Eleven does not violate Sega's patent, we do recognize that Sega's lawsuit could restrict choices in gaming from here on out as well as hindering the growth of the game industry." - Level-5 statement

So much for any Level-5/SEGA collaborations in the future. I really can't wrap my head around why SEGA has gone after this case now, after so many games/years.

Posted by GoNintendo Nov 29 2012 20:17 GMT
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Coming from today's Aero Porter press release...

In addition, LEVEL-5, also announced that the Company will release CRIMSON SHROUD, the third title from GUILD01, the previously released Japan-only multi-game pack, on December 13 in both North America and Europe.

Looks like the game is going to make it out before the year's end. Good to know that we'll get to experience it before the apocalypse!

Posted by GoNintendo Nov 29 2012 19:04 GMT
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Renowned Japanese video game company LEVEL-5, best known for their critically acclaimed Professor Layton video game series, have released airport-simulator and puzzle game, AERO PORTER, in both North America and Europe via the Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS™ for $ 4.99 USD and 4.99 € / £4.49 respectively (please check the Nintendo eShop for pricing in other available countries).

In addition, LEVEL-5, also announced that the Company will release CRIMSON SHROUD, the third title from GUILD01, the previously released Japan-only multi-game pack, on December 13 in both North America and Europe.

AERO PORTER was created by legendary game creator Yoot Saito, the father of some of Japan’s most innovative titles, including Seaman, The Tower, and Odama. AERO PORTER continues this fantastical design vision, delivering an unconventional game that simply has to be played to be understood. Through fun and approachable puzzle-based gameplay, time challenges, and simulation elements, AERO PORTER is welcoming to both new players and hardcore veterans as they overcome the challenges of running a modern day airport, from organizing luggage to scheduling flights to creating their own aeronautic masterpieces.

“LEVEL-5 is proud to bring a refreshingly different and exciting game experience from one of Japan’s most revolutionary designers to the gamers of North America and Europe,” said Akihiro Hino, President and CEO of LEVEL-5. “AERO PORTER further validates our belief that by empowering the world’s best game designers with creative freedom, we can produce top quality experiences, whether for console, handheld or any other platform. AERO PORTER is a fun and distinctive title that refuses to conform to any single category while its combination of simple concepts and complex gameplay will appeal to all 3DS owners, young and old.”

PR email

Posted by GoNintendo Nov 16 2012 20:24 GMT
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The following information comes from Level-5 CEO Akihiro Hino...

- The Artemis Holy Road Tournament will be like a Level-5 fan festival
- this is where Hino will reveal what’s going on with the next Inazuma Eleven anime series and video game
- the theme is returning to the origin.
- Hino is preparing some surprises and said "characters…" as a hint