Report: Tiger Woods PGA Tour 15 isn't happening
Posted by Joystiq Apr 29 2013 16:30 GMT in Wii U
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Tiger Woods PGA Tour is going to sit the next round out, according to sources speaking to Kotaku. The site has been informed by folks with knowledge of the series that Tiger Woods PGA Tour 15 - which was to be outsourced - isn't happening in the wake of EA CEO John Riccitiello's departure. An in-house team will work for the next two years to make Tiger Woods 16 and take advantage of next generation systems.

EA responded: "We don't comment on speculation about our franchises. We have nothing to announce today about future games on the Tiger Woods PGA Tour franchise. Tiger Woods PGA Tour 14 is now available on PS3 and Xbox 360."

An EA Sports representative also tells us the company will be delivering patches this week to fix known issues with Tiger Woods PGA Tour 14.

The Tiger Woods brand has hit a rough patch these past few years. EA reaffirmed its relationship with Woods in 2010 despite the golfer's penchant for putting around. However, later that same year EA did note it'd like to see the golfer winning to make their relationship worthwhile. But, here's the hard truth: As much as EA may want to move on from Tiger, um, name another golfer...

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