GTFO, the documentary about the relentless abuse female gamers suffer in online multiplayer, reached
Posted by Kotaku May 05 2013 17:00 GMT in Gaming News
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GTFO, the documentary about the relentless abuse female gamers suffer in online multiplayer, reached its funding target of $20,000. Shannon Sun-Higginson is the film's director.


i get called a lot of shit online and i don't get a movie made about me
*crag*ing girls

Why won't this shit just go away already 

Reply by Fallen Shade May 05 2013 22:53 GMT
Relentlessly abusing girl gamers is my specialty.
Reply by MM May 06 2013 00:52 GMT
you helped make this movie happen
I might not be a female gamer, but I feel like this is a pretty tired out subject. Yes, there are women, and it's 2013. I'm pretty sure everyone else who isn't a woman gets pushed around just as much sometimes in online games. When are people going to get over this?
Reply by hero of time May 06 2013 06:38 GMT
They're girls, except they play games.
...She's basically asking me out.
Reply by Ignorant May 06 2013 11:37 GMT
she'll never love you more than commander shepard
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