It’s About Time We Write About Plants Vs Zombies 2
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun May 08 2013 07:00 GMT in Electronic Arts
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“Son, did I ever tell you the story of Plants vs Zombies?”

“Yes, dad, like, 20 time–”

“It was soooooo great. Made people go like this. I mean, plants? Fighting zombies? Hilaaaaaarious! But then it tipped its hat and rode off into the mobile/social sunset, never to be seen again. And we were like this. Lulllllz. It’s been ages since then. I don’t think you’d even been born yet.”

“It’s been four years. Really not that long in the grand scheme of things. I am 27.”

“Well, I still demand a sequel. It feels like we’ve been waiting forever. And not a whisper from PopCap, either. They ought to title it Plants vs Zombies 2: It’s About Time. Lolololololol.”

“Actually, that’s exactly what they’re calling it. But I’m guessing it’s actually a cheeky reference to some kind of time travel twist. Bolts in the logo, double-meaning in the title, etc. It’s coming out this July. Are you even listening to me?”

“Sorry, too busy Vining this whole conversation.”

[This has been an excerpt from the hotly anticipated upcoming novel, My Dad: The Internet.]


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