Ace Of Base: EA Talks Command & Conquer’s Roots
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun May 10 2013 08:00 GMT in Electronic Arts
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Command & Conquer‘s march into free-to-play territory has been fraught with confusion. Will it have single-player? Won’t it? Is it even technically Command & Conquer Generals 2 anymore? I guess not, seeing as EA’s taken to shaving off that grizzled, battle-tested moniker in favor of the simple, sprightly Command & Conquer. And that, it would seem, wasn’t some careless “why not?” decision made on a whim. “We need to kind of wash the stain of C&C 4 away,” said lead designer Samuel Bass. The goal? To go back to the series’ roots. By, er, using Generals as a blueprint. I guess Victory’s reasoning kind of makes sense in video form. See the whole thing after the break.


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