Betalands is brilliant, and I love how it is evolving so far, but once beta ends, Franis, who will be playing it? Aside from the twelve or so members who currently frequent the site? You need a larger user-base, Franis. Advertise. It will do good for you--and the rest of the members who love this site, as well--in the long-run.
Small communities are easier to unify and hold together. If you're on a site with 500 random people, you're not going to stick around as long as you would on a site with twelve people who you know personally.
Not to mention random trolls popping in all the time.
crump he already said he would focus on expansion once betalands wasn't a "beta" game. Meaning when its not betalands but like, bitlands or something
Also Grevious small communities are swell but digi is dying, we literally need more memebrs. hence my sunny disposistion towards compatables like ignorant