Star Wars, Dr. Who Fans Get Into The Lamest "Fight" Of All Time
Posted by Kotaku May 16 2013 03:30 GMT in Gaming News
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A long-standing rivalry between two sci-fi fan groups in England boiled over earlier this week when Star Wars and Dr. Who fans had a "bitter exchange" outside a convention. When the treasurer of Norwich Star Wars Club Jim Poole turned up and tried to get the autograph of Dr. Who actor (and Bill superstar!) Graham Cole, all hell broke loose. He was asked to leave the convention, which was hosted by rival group the Norwich Sci Fi Club, and when he refused both police and security were called. The cops turned up having been told there had been an assault, but after a brief investigation found there had been nothing but nerd rage. So both groups got a...talking to, and were warned to keep away from each other. Crisis averted. Police break up rival sci-fi fans’ feud [Metro]

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