Playing The Games That Nobody Else Has Played
Posted by Kotaku May 17 2013 07:00 GMT in Gaming News
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The site Zero Feedback has a noble mission statement: to track down and play independent, freeware games that for whatever reason have gone completely unnoticed. The criteria for inclusion is that a game must have been submitted to a forum or site and received zero feedback (hence the name) within a 3-6 month period. If so, then the site's curator Noyb would try and find it, play it, and give it some kind of review/feedback. "It’s never been easier to make games", he writes. "It’s never been easier to make a game that goes overlooked." Noyb has looked at 300 games since setting up the site. You can take a look, and dig through the titles he's found, below. Zero Feedback [Site]

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