Precursor - Shadow of the Eternals a multi-year project, talk Wii U power, sequel chances
Posted by GoNintendo May 20 2013 17:40 GMT in Nintendo Stuff
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A portion of a Nintendo Enthusiast interview with Paul Caporicci, CEO of Precursor Games...

NE: Well, a lot of developers have given negative feedback in regards to Wii U being a more like a current-gen platform. How has it fared so far with CryEngine 3 as you have been working with it? You seem to be pushing out some pretty looking graphics so far…

Paul: Yeah, CryEngine 3 fully supports Wii U and it’s been a great system to work with so far. And in regards to Shadow of the Eternals, beautiful visuals are just one part of the experience. There are many different pieces that all come together for this experience and the Wii U handles that complete package very well. So, we’ve had no problems so far and we’re not at all concerned about what the Wii U can handle.

NE: With 12 episodes planned for the first season, how long will it take to release the entirety of game according to what you have in mind?

Paul: Some of the stuff kind of depends on how long each episode will take, but we’re generally trying to release the whole thing over multiple years, in certain chunks of each episode at a time.

NE: Is there the possibility of a sequel?

Paul: To Shadow of the Eternals?

NE: Yeah, like as a continuation of the franchise once you’re done with the vision you’ve had for this specific game?

Paul: Oh definitely. We think that this whole project is unique and different in that there is a whole universe that can be explored in many different ways, because it takes place over many many thousands of years in history.

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