Tales of Symphonia: Perfect Edition rumor quashed by series producer
Posted by Joystiq May 27 2013 13:00 GMT in Tales of Xillia
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The rumor of a PS3 HD re-release of Tales of Symphonia and Dawn of the New World looks to be no more than speculation. Earlier this month, series producer Hideo Baba gave fans hope of the bundle, rumored to be titled Tales of Symphonia: Perfect Edition, saying such a game would be "a representation of the dreams and hopes of the fans, who have long been wanting it." However, speaking to Joystiq on a recent European tour to promote Tales of Xillia, Baba expressed his surprise at the rumor.

"So last weekend I went to Madrid, Spain - to expomanga," Baba told us, "And I had a signing session with fans. And I was asked by one of the fans about this rumor. So he said, 'I heard of a rumor that Tales of Symphonia and Dawn of the New World are getting a 'Perfect Edition' on PS3, is it true?' And [my reaction was] 'What!?' [Baba laughs]. I didn't know anything about it so I was very surprised at that rumor."

Speaking to JPGames.de, Baba further clarified his comments.

"That fan then said that it's the tenth anniversary of Tales of Symphonia in Japan this year," Baba told JPGames.de, "And I just said that there might be something coming, as a celebration. But it will be more like a 'Tales of Café' or an event at NamcoCon... but we actually have no plans yet, there are only ideas."

So, while 2013 may see a few more Tales-related announcements, Perfect Edition isn't likely to be one of them. Altogether more certain is the arrival of the next Tales game, with Xillia signed up to spin yarns on August 6 in North America, and August 9 in Europe.

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