Tomorrow's introduction of Deus Ex: Human Revolution to PlayStation Plus may be aptly sneaky. After all, with a week left before E3, Eidos Montreal teases 'The Fall' - a tagline Square Enix registered Deus Ex domains and trademarks for. Then again, this is the same studio that yanked our chain on April 1.
Speculation hats off, confirmation hats on. Definitely also coming to North America's Instant Game Collection sometime this month are the madcap Saints Row: The Third, the eccentric Machinarium, the mysterious Virtue's Last Reward, and the, er, orc-ish Orc Attack.
Meanwhile, in addition to Human Revolution, tomorrow's PS Store update brings Plus discounts to Grid 2, Portal 2 and its 'In Motion' DLC, and Let's Fish: Hooked On for the Vita.
Finally, as ever June sees a number of games flung out of the 'Plus revolving doors. Sleeping Dogs passes out tomorrow, followed by Closure, Ratchet & Clank All 4 One, Infamous 2, and LittleBigPlanet 2 on June 11. Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny breaks out on June 18, and then BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend says so long on June 25.
Update: There'll a few more PlayStation Plus comings and going this month beyond this lot, but Sony's keeping quiet about them for now - perhaps it has a few things up its sleeves for E3. The info comes via PlayStation Digital Platforms Community Manager Paul Sullivan, who took to the comments on the PlayStation Blog.
"Not all games coming in and out are listed. Keep checking up on us for some more additions to the list," reads one of Sullivan's comments. Another says, "Keep checking on us, not *all* of the June games have been listed yet."
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