Nintendo discusses Wario team's humor, how Game and Wario will help Wii U
Posted by GoNintendo Jun 05 2013 01:25 GMT in Nintendo Stuff
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Coming from a Kotaku interview...

"And then you have a game like Game & Wario. The Wario team, they have their own very, very distinct, off-kilter humor. Which I love, because any time I can talk about farting in an official capacity, it's fantastic. You'll see a lot of that when that game comes out for Wii U." - Nintendo's Bill Trinen

Trinen also was asked about what Nintendo could do to turn things around with Wii U, sales-wise.

"I think we're on the way [there], certainly, we've got games like Game & Wario. And I mean, who doesn't want a game that's gonna openly talk about farts?"


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