David Hayter Snipes At Konami On Twitter
Posted by Kotaku Jun 06 2013 17:22 GMT in Konami
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Wow! I guess David Hayter is really upset he won't be returning to the role of Snake for the next Metal Gear Solid game. Or maybe he's still participating in a long con with MGS creator Hideo Kojima? Check out what he just tweeted: Ah well,Can't fault @realkieferGreat actor, good man.The game will probably still be excellent.Like New Coke! — David Hayter (@DavidBHayter) June 6, 2013 New Coke, of course, was Coca-Cola's failed attempt to change the formula that people loved. If Hayter is serious, it's one hell of a dig. Then again, this is just the latest in what has been a long chain of Hayter trolling Kojima and crew on Twitter. Last week, he hinted that he'd be making an appearance at E3... I'm so excited for E3!I just hope I don't lose my voice.;-) — David Hayter (@DavidBHayter) May 29, 2013 But then... Uh oh,I think I feel laryngitis coming on... — David Hayter (@DavidBHayter) June 5, 2013 So, yeah. Is this part of one big Kojima-fueled conspiracy? I say probably. Then again, Hayter did seem rather emotional when he wrote about the news back in April.

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