Sony's Used Games Gag 'Was Not Planned'
Posted by Kotaku Jun 12 2013 02:11 GMT in Gaming News
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The video above was one of the biggest hits of this year's E3. It was a sharp, smiling jab at the Xbox One's restrictions on game-sharing from a Sony doing the Ali shuffle. Today, I got the video's back story from one of its stars, Sony's head of worldwide studios, Shuhei Yoshida. Kotaku: Why did you guys feel the need to make the sharing video? Shuhei Yoshida: Oh, the sharing video! It was not necessary at all. We were waiting in rehearsal two days ago and Adam [Boyes, Sony v.p. of developer relations and the video's co-star] or someone came up with the idea and we were like, ‘Oh, what if we do this and that?’ We had a studio there in the event space room with Macintosh desktop editing. We shot the video and the guys added music. We were having fun. Andy [House, president of Sony Compter Entertainment] was like, oh, yeah, let’s release this virally. It was not planned. [Satisfied with that little story, I tried to move on to the next topic in our interview; Yoshida politely cuts me off.] Yoshida: Last I checked, we got over three million views. Kotaku: You’re pretty proud of that! Yoshida: We’re competing with some of the more high-production-value trailers. The video now has 4.8 million views. Not bad at all.

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