The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker's unused dungeons were implemented into other Zelda games, Wind Waker HD pacing tweaked
Posted by GoNintendo Jun 13 2013 21:17 GMT in Nintendo Stuff
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The following comes from a Eurogamer interview with Eiji Aonuma.

Removed Wind Waker dungeons

"Quite honestly, those dungeons we removed we used in other games, so we can't use them in this version!"

On new content in Wind Waker HD

"I've received many questions about additional content beyond what was in the GameCube version of the game, but our desire is to stay true of the story that was in the original. If we add dungeons then that will affect other parts of the GameCube version, which we really want to stay true to.

If it felt like there were maybe too few dungeons then I feel that what was wrong with the GameCube version was the pacing. It was thrown off because it took longer to get to certain dungeons. There was a waiting period, and then when you arrived there the experience maybe didn't feel as big, as you'd waited so long to get there. We're tuning the game to alleviate all that. The pacing should feel appropriate to the overall experience this time... We need to tighten those [gaps] and make the overall experience and story feel tighter."


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hahahaha time to not buy this
good things I don't like zelda or rehashes
Reply by Fortran Jun 13 2013 23:41 GMT
I wasn't planning on buying it if it was over like 25 bucks anyways. I already have a full version of windwaker that looks just fine, and DOESN'T give me a tan while playing it.
Reply by Super-Claus Jun 14 2013 00:32 GMT
Three people did Storage/Superswim and crashed the game in front of Nintendo reps. This game will not have a long lifespan.
Reply by Linkshot Jun 14 2013 14:37 GMT


Reply by Fallen Shade Jun 14 2013 15:35 GMT
im still buying because my wind waker disc is scratched to hell and back and my gamecube controllers are broken and i cant find any cords for my gamecube or my memory card so this is good for me
Reply by darkz Jun 23 2013 09:38 GMT
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