Nintendo on E3, franchise crowding, the Nintendo standard, boosting Wii U, devs making decisions, not going 3rd party/smartphone
Posted by GoNintendo Jun 14 2013 18:10 GMT in Nintendo Stuff
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The following info comes from a Gamasutra interview with Charlie Scibetta, Nintendo of America's senior director of corporate communications.

"Our focus coming in was really to concentrate on games because we didn't have the hardware news that the other console makers had. For this year, it was the right move for us. We didn't have hardware news. We decided to focus on our strength, which is gameplay."

On Nintendo franchises cannibalizing each other's sales between platforms

"We think there's plenty of rooms for all of our franchises and games that we're bringing to market. If they're compelling experiences, consumers will find time to play them."

On not shipping software until it's ready, jumpstarting Wii U

"We won't shift a software title until we can really feel that it's up to the Nintendo standard. We would sacrifice short term profits every time, for long term protection of the brand, and that's what we did in 2013. We would have liked to have more titles come out in the first half of 2013. We feel good about how our games have shown this year at E3. ...we think we have the games between now and the holiday that can really jumpstart the momentum with the Wii U. Software sells hardware. We're optimistic and confident that the hardware sales will follow."

On not going third party, smartphone or tablet

"Our software best comes to life when it's used on our own hardware. When Mr. Miyamoto designs software, he thinks not only about the software, but what are the control schemes that can bring this software to life best. Mario would not run and jump and feel the same way that he does on a smartphone or a tablet. You really need those Nintendo controls... The way the timing is perfect only comes from years of experience and focus on detail that only Nintendo is known for."

On leaning too much on established brands

"When you have all the dynamics of new features that we're putting in these games... New dynamics and new features with beloved IP, that's the best of both worlds. Nintendo always feels pressure to make sure that we're giving consumers a great gameplay experience. That doesn't change from one platform to the next, and one game to the next. That quality bar is always there. That's our North Star: doing right by these games, and characters, and consumers that have helped build those franchises in the first place."

On decisions made by devs...

"I would agree that our decisions are made by developers. Mr. Iwata and Mr. Miyamoto, being developers, approach this question first and foremost whenever they make a decision: 'Is it fun?' Most executives don't ask that question first, in terms of all the considerations they have. If a game is going to be shipped by Nintendo, it has to be fun. We think that bringing innovation and new gameplay mechanics to the experience is the way to go."


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