wow, Xbox backed out of all their DRM plans (and features)
Posted by Francis Jun 19 2013 21:22 GMT in Xbox One
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Crazy that they would give up on all the benefits they were going to have. (game sharing, no disc needed, etc)  Discs now have to be in the tray, digital games can't be shared or resold, but everything can work offline.

Could they not have done both?


Like I said on another site, the removal of the negatives isn't some kind of good will offering, it's damage control. There's still the threat of them reinstating them in a patch.

Reply by Grievous Jun 19 2013 21:46 GMT

I still hope it crashes and burns anyways

Reply by Fallen Shade Jun 19 2013 22:04 GMT
There's still a lot of issues they didn't address about the Xbox One. Like Grievous said, this is just damage control. They're only giving these things up in hopes that their console will sell more and get more positive feedback, but I think at this point anyone that is sane and knows the problems with the Xbox One isn't going to trust Microsoft so easily.
Reply by hero of time Jun 19 2013 22:22 GMT
This makes me disappointed more people will buy it now. And yes, just as grievous said, it'll probably return in a patch. Don't forget the Kinect will still spy on you too.
Reply by Fortran Jun 19 2013 22:56 GMT
its not online always, but dlc is required to start up your game
Reply by Super-Claus Jun 19 2013 23:01 GMT

I hope it returns in a patch. It's silly to require a disc to play a game copied to a drive, just like it's silly to limit a digital game from being lended out or resold. Microsoft's mistake was to drop traditional discs completely. I bet we see some kind of hybrid approach in the future.

Reply by Francis Jun 19 2013 23:12 GMT
isn't that what the 3DS does? You can download games from the eshop and I'm pretty sure you can transfer games to other units.
Reply by Fortran Jun 20 2013 02:01 GMT

Wii U is hybrid disc/download

Reply by Grievous Jun 20 2013 02:38 GMT
no you can't transfer eshop games. unless you can prove to Nintendo that it was stolen or your house burnt down.
WIi U is not the kind of hybrid I'm talking about. I mean having disc games that can be traded, and also having a way to copy the disc to drive (removing the ability to trade the disc), and have the ability to trade games on your drive.
Reply by Francis Jun 20 2013 03:34 GMT

So basically you want a digital GameStop of sorts.

Reply by Grievous Jun 20 2013 05:57 GMT
It's a shame they got rid of the few advantages it had but I guess it's more important they got rid of all the horrible anti consumer stuff
Reply by Fracktail Jun 20 2013 07:54 GMT
If microsoft had stayed the course and had let a sort of private market form around trading the games, where the buyers and sellers controlled the prices, then it could have worked. But that's not what would have happened. Microsoft would have controlled the prices(universally since every copy is the same) and been able to controller when they went up or down. Its a shame.
Reply by Super-Claus Jun 20 2013 10:19 GMT
Francis/Fortran: Pretty sure there's a button in the settings of my 3DS that lets me transfer my data from one device to another. Catch is it's an all-or-nothing thing, so it's no good for trading individual games.
Reply by Gold Prognosticus Jun 20 2013 20:04 GMT
ah cool Gold, I didn't know they added that. Yeah it's like the Wii -> Wii U transfer process, for moving everything to a new device. (probably for people who wanted to upgrade to an XL).
Reply by Francis Jun 20 2013 20:11 GMT
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