Monster Hunter producer discusses reaction to MH3U release in the states
Posted by GoNintendo Jul 06 2013 17:09 GMT in Nintendo Stuff
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A portion of a Nintendo Feed interview with Ryozo Tsujimoto, Producer for the Monster Hunter series...

Nintendo Feed: Monster Hunter has been huge in Japan and is getting more of a following in the West with each release. How would you describe your feeling as to how MH3U is performing outside of Japan thus far?

Tsujimoto: I want to get the game into the hands of as many Western players as possible, but I know this isn’t going to happen overnight. It’s certainly a fact that the game has more followers in Japan. However, we have our share of fans in the West and they support the game and series in many ways, one of which is in helping out new players. Hunting together is one of the most fun aspects of Monster Hunter, so I’m sure that as new players come to the game, the current long-serving veterans will become strong, supportive partners for them in their hunting endeavors. We also still have plenty of download quests coming, which we hope will help us reach our goal of getting as many people playing the game for as long as possible!

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