Rumor: Rockstar Leeds seeks coder to put 'latest' games on PC
Posted by Joystiq 11 years ago in PC Gaming News
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Rockstar Leeds, the studio that ported LA Noire to PC, listed a job opening for a graphics programmer "to help bring our latest titles to the PC platform," Rockstar Watch reports. The listing has since been deleted, but Pixel Enemy grabbed a screenshot before it disappeared into the ether.

The job post didn't specify which games Rockstar might be considering for PC porting, but its "latest" games would certainly include Grand Theft Auto 5, which is due out on September 17. Putting that on PC would be a crowd pleaser: A petition from fans to get GTA5 on PC is still live and has almost 200,000 signatures. (We got a look at GTA5's gameplay in a new trailer today.)

Previous Grand Theft Auto games eventually made their way to PC, along with most of Rockstar's catalog, albeit after a sizable delay.

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