Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut heads to Steam Greenlight
Posted by Joystiq Jul 18 2013 15:00 GMT in Steam
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Cult favorite Deadly Premonition is one of the biggest names yet on Steam Greenlight, after publisher Rising Star promised an "enhanced" version of the Director's Cut should the eccentric mystery game get voted through. Among the other Director's Cut additions, the PC edition is set to get exclusive DLC.

"Rising Star Games is an extremely community-driven publisher and our vocal fans have been calling for a PC version of this game," said Rising Star Games COO Martin Defries, "So using Steam Greenlight gives those fans the chance to make a difference."

Developer Access Games first brought the divisive Deadly Premonition to Xbox 360 in 2010, followed by the Director's Cut PS3 version for the west earlier this year. Our coffee forgot to warn us about a possible PC version, didn't it Zach?

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