Batman: Arkham Originsss – Copperhead Slithers To Town
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Jul 20 2013 09:00 GMT in Batman: Arkham Origins
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Look, it’s Copperhead! You remember Copperhead, don’t you? You know, the guy in the ridiculous outfit that makes it look like he’s a rat with his toes wedged in a snake’s rib cage and wait that’s not a guy at all. Yes, it seems that Armature has been inspired by Copperhead’s New 52 makeover, so the nefarious contortionist is a she now. Which is great, except she’s hardly wearing anything because videogames. And comic books. The two mediums are pretty chummy on that one. Sigh. But, if nothing else, a new Batman: Arkham Origins trailer makes her seem pretty capable, slipping around Batman like a hundred slippery nooses and rendering his combat skills moot. Have a look and see what you think.


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