Michael Biehn: Working on Colonial Marines 'wasn't fun at all'
Posted by Joystiq Jul 27 2013 01:30 GMT in Aliens: Colonial Marines
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Actor Michael Biehn, who played Corporal Hicks in landmark 1986 sci-fi film "Aliens," recently described Gearbox Software's first-person shooter spinoff, Aliens: Colonial Marines, as a "passionless" project, and revealed that reprising his film role in the game "wasn't fun at all."

"It seemed kind of passionless," Biehn said in an interview with Game Informer. "I think in movies, television, and the gaming world, you get some people that are really, really passionate, and some people that are just going through the paces."

"They think that because they have a brand name they're going to get a hit game or hit movie out of it," Biehn continued. "That certainly was the situation on [Aliens: Colonial Marines]."

In contrast, Biehn praised his follow-up experience voicing Sergeant Rex "Power" Colt in Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, due largely to the hands-on involvement of creative director Dean Evans.

"Dean is such an interesting and creative presence," Biehn said. "He has such energy and such passion. One of the things that I really, really enjoy working still in this business is finding people that have that kind of passion." [screenshot courtesy Game Informer]

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