Worth The Weight: Skulls Of The Shogun Out
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Jul 30 2013 18:00 GMT in Skulls of the Shogun
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Working in the fast-moving field of electronic gaming journalism can be dangerous. If I’m not watching the latest trailer for Gunface Organ-Splatter: Uncensored Edition, I’m likely to be quivering in a corner because the latest trailer for Gunface Organ-Splatter: Uncensored Edition contained one too many close-ups of quivering viscera. Such things are not ideal viewing through the hazy veil of an insomniac’s hangover. Today, I thought I was safe. Skulls of the Shogun’s launch(ed on an OS people want to use) trailer surely wouldn’t trouble my nerves? Click below for children eating skulls and losing all of their flesh.


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