Ubisoft blog update - Assassin's Creed IV - connecting with the Jackdaw's crew
Posted by GoNintendo Aug 13 2013 00:45 GMT in Nintendo Stuff
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As if it’s not enough that Edward Kenway is a pirate and an aspiring member of the Brotherhood, the hero of Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag also commands the Jackdaw. Which means command of an entire crew. Of pirates.

Whew. That’s a lot on one man’s deck. But don’t worry: Managing this motley crew won’t bog down Edward – or you, the gamer. That’s because it’s not about micro-managing every individual sailor. Sure, there are a few “named” members of your crew, chief among them Edward’s first mate Adewale, who even has his own playable story arc. The rest of them, though, are what Game Director Ashraf Ismail affectionately refers to as Redshirts – those nameless (and often disposable) crew members from the Star Trek series. “These are the guys you can lose and gain very quickly,” Ismail says.

Full blog here

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