Activision - Most of Cal of Duty: Ghosts's next-gen tech will be available in current-gen
Posted by GoNintendo Aug 15 2013 16:24 GMT in Nintendo Stuff
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Coming from an IGN interview with Infinity Ward's Mark Rubin...

“Most of the tech that we’ve put into the new engine will be available on current-gen. There’s some obvious tech that isn’t and can’t be, like the Sub-D, the displacement mapping and the real-time lighting. That’s stuff that is beyond the capabilities of current-gen systems. We spent a lot of time trying to get some of the next-gen features that we were working on into current-gen.

A good [example] for instance is audio. We created a brand new audio engine for next-gen. [It] had ADSR reverb in real-time so it’s modeling your environment as you move through it: the locational battle chatter, the reactive emitters where, when I throw a grenade, basically the explosion causes other things in the world to move and shake and create noise. So you’ll hear things rattling things behind you even if there was a grenade in front of you. All of that was built into a new engine that we made for next-gen systems but once we had done it for next gen we went back and said we want to try and make this work for current-gen as well. We want to give current-gen players as much of the tech that we’re putting in as we can, so I’m very happy that we actually – for the audio stuff especially – we were able to get that in the new engine for current-gen as well.”


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