Metareview: Lost Planet 3
Posted by Joystiq Aug 27 2013 23:00 GMT in Lost Planet 3
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We said Lost Planet 3 is a "game about attempting to get on with it and failing miserably." So, let's get on with it...
  • Game Trailers (77/100): "It's true that a lot of the game feels standard issue; nothing's really broken but there's certainly a bit of awkwardness. In the end playing Lost Planet 3 is very much like taking a job on a remote ice planet: most of the work is pretty ordinary, but there are enough bright spots and interesting people to make it a job worth taking."
  • IGN (62/100): "But the biggest frustration of Lost Planet 3's level design is its lack of consistency. Getting locked in the mech and auto-killed instead of ejected sucks. Can you grapple that ledge? Probably not, but you have to check. Can you fall off that cliff? Probably not, but just when you've gotten used to the idea that an invisible wall will stop you, you fall to your death."
  • Game Informer (60/100): "I don't hate Lost Planet 3. There's still a base satisfaction to popping orange Akrid weak points and mopping up goo. I even made a point to track down most of the hidden collectibles. The first two games balanced out any unsavory elements with mega moments and straightforward fun. The third entry simply doesn't have enough thermal energy to overcome its many problems. "
  • Eurogamer (40/100): "Level design is a problem in the exterior scenes: the game's world is so cramped and divided by loading screens I genuinely couldn't tell you which bits are the hubs and which are the spokes, and that hurts your sense of stomping freedom in the rig. But the interiors are just lazily strung together shooting galleries which pinball Peyton between objective markers on flimsy narrative pretexts."

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