Ellen Page simulator Beyond: Two Souls gets a demo on October 1 in North America, and the day after in Europe. We jest when we call it that, because Quantic Dream's next PS3 game will clearly be its own complicated beast, much like Heavy Rain before it, and hopefully much more than Hollywood-tinted mo-cap. For the curious, the demo should provide some inkling as to how Beyond plays, but it may be far from the full picture.
The PSN demo includes two sections: The first stars a mini-Jodie (Page's character) as she takes part in an experiment scrutinizing her supernatural abilities, while the second sees an older Jodie on the run from government agents.
If you'd rather hold out for the full game, you won't have long to wait: Beyond: Two Souls hits North American retail shelves on October 8, and Europe on October 11.
Oh, and if you happen to have pre-ordered Beyond from GAME in the UK, you'll get the demo a week early on September 25. In the US PlayStation Blog's announcement, there's mention of "opportunities for a few of you" to get the demo on September 24, so maybe, just maybeeeee there'll be something similar in North America.
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