A World Of Hort: PVZ: Garden Warfare Undead Trailer
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Sep 06 2013 19:00 GMT in Electronic Arts
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My anger issues with team-based multiplayer shooters are well documented in the Logitech Warehouse. I’m cool until things are unbalanced, then Red Craig emerges. Red Craig is my inner Stephen King character. He is who the mice and keyboards in the warehouse warn their little transistors about. He’s why they sacrifice mice lasers to gods of Support Services. He’s the angry Glaswegian I keep hidden away, just in case I’m ever mugged or someone shoots me online, then he emerges. Watching the Plants Vs Zombies: Garden Warfare zombie trailer made my palms itch. It looks really lovely and atmospheric, and I’m sure I’ll enjoy playing it. But as I do, I’ll give off the impression of hating every single second I am doing so. Trailer beneath.(more…)

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