Tête à Tête: TESO Team Talk Alliance PvP
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Sep 11 2013 15:00 GMT in The Elder Scrolls Online
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TESO‘s single player was a little underwhelming when I played it at Gamescom. Sure, it looked like Skyrim, but I suspect that’s probably the wrong message to be sending. My feeling is that TESO needs to be its own game, and by mimicking Skyrim it’s sleepwalking into trouble. Rather than attempting to trade on Skyrim’s success, it needs to be setting out its own stall to the MMO crowd, and doing so on its own. One area it might do this is in PvP, which is increasingly sounding like the most interesting area of the project. In a recent Q&A the team have started going into some details, and they sounds like My Sort Of Thing.


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