Awesomenauts Kickstarter campaign concludes at $345,835
Posted by Joystiq Sep 20 2013 03:00 GMT in Awesomenauts
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Ronimo's Kickstarter campaign for the Awesomenauts: Starstorm expansion opened a revenue lane worth $345,835. The expansion originally had a goal of $125,000, which it achieved in seven days, and went on to tick off several stretch goals. It has already achieved goals for adding a new character, replays and a spectator mode.

Since Ronimo is also taking direct PayPal pledges, the actual campaign total for Starstorm is around $408k.

"Ronimo's own page will remain open for a short while longer, although all physical rewards have been removed," the company mentioned in a prepared statement. "And since Ronimo's own crowdfunding page is still open, the next stretch goal might also be met. At $415k a fifth character and third song will also be built!"

As things stand now, when Starstorm eventually drops, it will include four new Awesomenauts, new map, two new songs, "full spectator mode and replay system" and custom games setup, allowing fully customizable private matches.

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