Jeff Strokes: Batman: Arkham Oranges Trailer
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Sep 26 2013 16:00 GMT in Batman: Arkham Origins
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I think we can all agree that the only DLC the upcoming Batman: Arkham Oranges needs is an “Adam West Mode”, where every punch is received with an awesome orchestral blare, where the goons go down with “POW!” and “KERBLOINK!” floating over their heads, and where Batman’s disturbingly manly pecs are replaced with the flat, grey tube that was Batman’s chest before he discovered nippled Kevlar. To me that’s proper DLC: the sort of silly, experimental nonsense that developers should be attempting with those gaming buboes. Meanwhile, in the stupid real world where gritty and humourless is easier to sell than whimsy and delight, the first DLC will be the “Deathstroke Challenge Pack”, and will focus on the hitting things. Trailer below.(more…)

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