Myst, Riven studio reveals new PC adventure game Obduction
Posted by Joystiq Oct 17 2013 17:30 GMT in Myst
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Cyan Inc, the studio behind the landmark multimedia adventure game Myst, announced that it is working on a new first-person adventure game for Windows and Mac. The team has turned to Kickstarter to fund the project, and seeks $1.1 million in pledges.

Obduction promises the same sort of exploration-driven gameplay that defined Myst and its sequels, dropping players into an unfamiliar world filled with environmental puzzles. Contrasting the pre-rendered, path-based approach adopted by Riven, Obduction's varied landscapes will be presented via Unreal Engine 4, aiding player immersion.

Obduction is set for release in mid-to-late 2015. If you yearn for the first-person puzzle-solving days of old, it might be worth kicking a few bucks toward Cyan, assuming that you haven't yet had your fill of '90s revivals after backing the new Boogerman game.

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