Reborn dev explains the tech behind the title
Posted by GoNintendo Oct 17 2013 19:26 GMT in Nintendo Stuff
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A portion of a 4cr interview with Franz Tissera, CEO of Elemental-Labs...

4cr: With so many platforms to work on (and even more if the stretch goals are reached), how many people will be working on the Reborn project to make sure there are no delays?

FT: Since we are using the Unreal Engine 3 for the consoles already released (PS3, PSVita, Wii-U) and Unreal Engine 4 for PC and the consoles that will release soon (PS4, Xbox One), we are given the power to be able to export out to the various platforms without too much difficulty thereby alleviating the need for a great many programmers. That said however, we currently have six dedicated and capable programmers, including myself (if needed) to be able to jump on the porting process. We also have the ability to tap into USC’s School of Viterbi Engineering for additional programming interns should the need arise so that is why we are confident in stating that even though we are a first time studio, we will be able to deliver on our said promise.

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