Monster Hotel Comes to PS Mobile This Week
Posted by PlayStation Blog Oct 23 2013 14:00 GMT in PlayStation News
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Every Tuesday, there are new games, apps and updates added to PlayStation Mobile. Monster Hotel released this week and there is an update to Forevolution.

New Releases


Monster Hotel by XMPTGames ($0.99)

Monster Hotel is a fast-paced game where you must look after a hotel with a variety of very unusual guests! The inhabitants of Monster Hotel can be a fickle bunch, and keeping them happy is a big challenge. It’s the perfect title to pick up right before Halloween and should do a great job getting you into the mood. XMPTGames is no stranger to PlayStation Mobile either. They launched Penguin Party earlier in April of this year.

XMPTGames is a small, indie, five man development studio, based in the UK. One of the developers, Luke Staddon, did a development video blog where he talks about what went into making this fun game.

In a developer blog about the game, they go into more detail about some of the creatures that you get to play with as you go through the game.

Follow XMPTGames on Facebook and Twitter.


Forevolution by F K Digital Pty Ltd

PS Vita owners can download these games from the PlayStation Mobile section of PlayStation Store; Owners of PlayStation-certified devices such as the Sony Xperia Z smartphone, Wikipad or Sony Xperia Z tablet, can obtain them through the PlayStation Mobile Store for the same price.

Click here for a full list of the certified devices or here for installation instructions.

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