Titanfall PC Release Same As Xbox, No Windows 8
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Oct 30 2013 13:00 GMT in Electronic Arts
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Today you may have felt a slight aftershock from a downright seismic shift over in console land. You know that Titanfall man/robo-shoot/parkour everyone (including yourself) can’t stop making enthusiastic word-gurgles about? Well, it’s no longer a timed Xbox exclusive. Now it’ll always stomp around in Microsoft’s impossibly green pastures, and Sony will just have to hope the numerically confused giant doesn’t lock down a potential sequel as well. But what about little old us? Are we out of luck as well? Turns out, nope, we’re a-okay. I got in touch with Respawn in fear of potential delays and arbitrary requirements for Titanfall’s PC version, and the developer quickly put my worries to rest.


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