Pre-order Injustice Ultimate Edition on Steam, earn 10% discount
Posted by Joystiq 11 years ago in Steam
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The PC version of Injustice: Gods Among Us is a bit late to the party, but to convince would be Batmen - Batmans? - to grab a copy, Steam is now offering a discount to any who pre-order the fighter.

Being an Ultimate Edition, the PC game includes all of the heroes, villains, costumes and STAR Labs missions included in the initial release of Injustice: Gods Among Us, as well as the game's copious DLC additions. In sum, that's six additional characters, 30 new costumes and 60 extra missions to test your crime fighting (or causing) abilities.

This 10 percent discount is currently available to any Steam user, though keep in mind that it's only valid for a limited time. Once Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition launches on November 12, it will return to its standard $50 price point.

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