Solid Snake spotted across multiple MGS5: Ground Zeroes bundles in Japan
Posted by Joystiq Nov 16 2013 02:30 GMT in Metal Gear Solid 5
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Konami is preparing to launch several bonus-laden special editions of the Metal Gear Solid 5 prologue chapter Ground Zeroes in Japan, many of which have been infiltrated by a miniature Solid Snake. Order at your own risk: These tiny Snakes are armed.

Options range from a game-only retail edition (2,980 yen, or about $30) to a 13,270 yen ($132) Konami Style version, which includes a limited-edition Metallic Snake figure. In between these two extremes is Amazon Japan's Ground Zeroes Premium Package, which bundles a copy of the game, a PlayArts Snake figure, and a Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker novelization.

Bundles are available for the PlayStation 4, PS3, and Xbox 360. Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes will hit Japan next spring.

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