Closure Dev’s Next Is About Bombs, Not Like Closure At All
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Nov 21 2013 12:00 GMT in Closure
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Have you played magnificently macabre light-manipulating puzzler Closure? No? Well shame on you. It’s exceedingly clever, and how dare you not have time to play literally every good and inventive game that has or will ever come out? Perfectly reasonable demands out of the way, allow me to introduce Bombernauts. It’s Closure creator Tyler Glaiel’s next project, and – by the looks of it – it has precisely zero things in common with its gloomy, brain-haranguing sibling. Instead, it’s a colorful explosion of infinite bombs. No, seriously. You have unlimited bombs (and heaps of Super-Smash-Bros-esque items), and your goal is to send your friends flailing into a surrounding lake of lava. Skillfully arced throws seem to be your best weapon here. Trailer and details below.


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