Does Anybody Here Like Gonintendo?
Posted by DarkBlueAce Nov 21 2013 18:43 GMT in DarkBlueAce
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If I remember correctly they rarely if ever put up anything worthwhile, and on top of that they already spoiled parts of Mario 3D Land I would rather have discovered for myself. I'd be happy if Francis took their feed off the site.


Why aren't you complaining about kotaku like everyone else

Reply by Doopliss Nov 21 2013 18:48 GMT
8-bit luigis sprinkled throughout the game like in NSLU? Hardly a huge spoiler. There are plenty of things GoNintendo did NOT spoil when every other website did... including Nintendo's own Direct video.
Reply by Francis Nov 21 2013 19:27 GMT
I guess there's just too much coverage of the game. Though Gonintendo did spoil something else regarding the end of the game. Most people might not care if it was a surprise or not though. It's just so disappointing when there are spoilers left and right before the game is even out. Like I knew the twist that was going to happen with Wheatly before I even played Portal 2.
Reply by DarkBlueAce Nov 21 2013 20:42 GMT
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