Battlefield 4 patched for PS3, 'small patch' for PS4
Posted by Joystiq 11 years ago in Electronic Arts
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Battlefield 4 developer DICE has rolled out a pair of patches to PlayStation platforms that should help alleviate the work needed to fix the game. The significant PlayStation 3 patch is currently available in "all territories except North America." The studio is shooting to get the NA version live "as soon as possible."

The PlayStation 4 patch is a field dressing. It fixes the "one-hit kill" bug, enables audio in video capture and should fix a crash that occurs when "having a very large amounts of Friends." Let's gloss over that a core competence of Battlefield is supposed to be playing with lots of friends.

DICE notes, "We are already working on the next PS4 update that will contain more fixes and have a bigger focus on game stability. Stay tuned."

The Xbox One patch is still planned for this week.

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