Batman: Arkham Origins unleashes 'Hunter, Hunted' multiplayer mode
Posted by Joystiq Dec 16 2013 18:30 GMT in Batman: Arkham Origins
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Warner Bros. has released an update for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC versions of Batman: Arkham Origins adding the new competitive "Hunter, Hunted" mode to the game's online multiplayer component.

"Hunter, Hunted" is a 3v3v1 mode that throws three Bane thugs, three Joker henchmen, and one very pissed-off Batman into the same map for a chaotic team-based battle to the death. There are no respawns in this mode, making thugs especially fragile and keeping the stakes high throughout.

"Hunter, Hunted" is available as part of a free update, and follows up on the recent launch of Arkham Origins' Initiation DLC. The game's upcoming "Narrative DLC" pack will complete Arkham Origins' planned Season Pass content next year.

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