Nintendo - 'no plans' for removing StreetPass connection limit, new puzzle creation, quiet on future updates
Posted by GoNintendo Dec 30 2013 19:13 GMT in Nintendo Stuff
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A portion of a Kotaku interview with Kouichi Kawamoto, Producer for StreetPass Mii Plaza & StreetPass games...

Kotaku: Also, may I ask if you were involved in limiting StreetPass Mii Plaza connections to 10 at a time? If so, why that limit? Is there any chance you might raise it?

Kawamoto: We had been thinking about the possibility of expanding StreetPass Mii Plaza from the start, and we set the maximum number of connections to 10 to ensure we'd have room to exchange more data via StreetPass in the future. As a result, if we get to a point where we definitely won't expand it anymore, there is a possibility that we'll raise the number of connections. However, we have no plans to do that, and we're already transmitting a lot of data, so even if we stopped right now, I doubt that number would go up much.

Kotaku: How do you decide when to release new pictures for the puzzle piece game? And who makes those animations? They're great. They remind me of animated GIFs, which are quite popular among gamers.

Kawamoto: Some of the pictures are created by our team, and sometimes the development companies come in and say they want to make them. Generally we have the team or developer behind the theme game produce the animation.

Often we're amazed at how intricate these pictures are when we get the data; we show them around to the staff and so on. I really appreciate all the people that put in the work on these pictures.

Kotaku: Finally, what is the future for StreetPass games? If there are any in development that you can share any details about, please do.

Kawamoto: Sadly, there's nothing I can really talk about at this moment.

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