Humble Store Winter Sale encore discounts best-sellers for 72 hours
Posted by Joystiq 11 years ago in Humble Indie Bundle
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The Humble Store's Winter Sale wrapped up (with a bow on top) today, but there's one more surprise: It's not over. The Humble Store's 72-hour encore sale begins now, starring the best-selling games from the Winter Sale.

Games on sale include Gone Home for 66 percent off, Monaco at an 80 percent discount, plus Dust: An Elysian Tail, Shadow Warrior and Guacamelee Gold Edition for 75 percent off. For the next 24 hours, Europa Universalis 4 is 75 percent off - after that day is up, it'll be half off for the remainder of the sale. The encore ends Friday, January 3 at 2PM ET.

Most games in the Humble Store are PC and Mac compatible, with a strong showing from Linux and DRM-free games. Plus, most come with Steam keys. Looks like 2014 is off to a well-priced start.

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