Wuh-Oh: Metal Gear Rising Unplayable Offline… For Now
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Jan 10 2014 12:00 GMT in Konami
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Edit: Steve Key, European Brand Manager for Konami, confirms that this was an accident rather than a DRM issue and the publisher has applied a fix: “MGR PC Update – offline problems *should* now be fixed.” That’s quick work and commendable.

Oh no, say it ain’t so. Another single-player game that boots its owners back into cold, cruel reality the second an Internet connection drops? That would be the saddest of shames if it were the full story. Fortunately, that doesn’t appear to be the case. While it’s true that Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance on Steam falls to freshly sliced pieces when an Internet connection isn’t holding it together, the issue is apparently not intentional DRM. Signs instead point to a Steam API error, though Konami and Platinum have yet to respond in any official capacity.


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