Lightning Returns demo out today, Amazon pre-orders get bonus Yuna DLC
Posted by Joystiq Jan 21 2014 14:00 GMT in Square Enix
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You've seen all the trailers - so many trailers - but you can can finally check out Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy 13 for yourself today. The JRPG's demo is available on Xbox Live, and that means it should hit PSN in North America later today, and Europe tomorrow.

If you need extra incentive beyond sheer curiousness, if you use the game's social media themed Outerworld service in the demo to submit a battle score, you'll unlock an outfit for Lightning based on Final Fantasy 6's Siegfried - the outfit transfers over to the full game.

As if the returning heroine's wardrobe isn't already fit to burst, there's also news today of bonus Yuna garb with Amazon US pre-orders, along with the FF10 summoner's staff and victory pose. That's in addition to the Cloud-based pre-order bonuses, by the way.

Somewhere beneath the ever-burgeoning pile of outfits is the game itself, which is due on PS3 and Xbox 360 in North America on February 11, and on February 14 in Europe.

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