Warner Prioritizing DLC Over Fixing Arkham Origins’ Bugs
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Feb 10 2014 09:00 GMT in Batman: Arkham Origins
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No, that headline isn’t backward. Maybe the reverse is happening in one of DC’s other million-billion (though no longer billion-finity) universes, but not this one. Batman: Arkham Origins swung into action bogged down by a slew of diabolical bugs and glitches – some of them game-breaking – and our own boy man wonder Adam grappled with a decent many. On the upside, there have been some patches, but even a cursory glance at various forums shows that progress-halting issues have yet to be eradicated. So then, why is developer Warner Bros Montreal already moving on? Infuriatingly, because it’s too busy making new things it would like you to spend money on.

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